Spiritual Growth

I had a conversation yesterday with someone about how spiritual growth happens. He asked me when I grew the most in my spiritual journey. It wasn’t going to church, it wasn’t during the Bible studies I’ve done, it wasn’t the classes I took or even taught. Those times were helpful in my journey, but the most significant growth times for me were the hard times. The times that I was hurting, confused and feeling in the dark.

Those experiences drew me closer to God. I prayed more, read more Scripture and practiced other disciplines like fasting, journaling, silence, solitude and memorizing Scripture. I questioned God and cried out to God. I searched my own heart and did not like what I saw. During those times I grew the most, because I knew I needed to change. I knew I needed to become more like Jesus and go deeper in my relationship with Him.

I have had other times in which I feel I changed and grew spiritually. Starting the Crown Financial ministry at my church, which was the first time I really studied God’s word and what He has to say about money and possessions. Reading through the entire Bible in one year. My first Willow Creek Leadership conference, where I surrendered my life to God and made a recommitment to Him. Going on a mission trip to Jordan & Egypt. Taking a team of 40 people to the gulf coast three months after Katrina hit. Making the transition from the business world into full time ministry.

Those were some significant times for me, but as I think about it my growth has been a combination of many things. Some very small and some that stand out in my mind. I think the bottom line is that you have to want to grow and change for life transformation to happen. Too often we choose to remain stuck, because we are very comfortable. God does not want us to remain the same. His desire for all of us is that we grow in our love for Him and other people. The question is this; Have you become more like Jesus over the past year or are you pretty much the same as you were last year?

2 Replies to “Spiritual Growth”

  1. I have found spiritual growth to be very similar to the conversion experience. For me it always begins with seeing the need for God in my life, often because of hardship. Then from there I must make the decision to either repent from what is keeping me from God or to continue in my sinful ways. When I make the decision to surrender to the will and Lordship of Christ I find that I grow dramatically in my walk with Christ.

  2. I agree with your comment. Our spiritual journey has many walls that we hit along the way. We can either face those walls and break through with the help of Christ, turn away or stay stuck. It is our own personal decision to grow.

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