Six Leadership Qualities

I have been interested in leadership since my junior year in High School when my principal called me into his office and asked me if I was thinking about going into the military. That was not something I had thought much about so I said no, why? He told me that he sees leadership qualities in me and that people are following me at school. It may have had something to do with me organizing a sit in and refusing to go to class. I can’t remember why we were protesting. He said he thinks it would do me good to go learn some discipline to go with that leadership.

That was the first time someone told me they thought I was a leader and it planted the seeds that have led me to pursue becoming a better leader over the past 20 years. My personal mission statement is ‘To grow and help others grow in faith, character and leadership”. I have read many leadership books, gone to lots of conferences and seminars. I have listened to messages about leadership and watched movies with great leadership themes. I have interviewed leaders and watched leaders for most of my life.

I also have read through the entire Bible a few times and by far it has the most leadership principles of anything I have ever come across. I was recently reading in Mark chapter 1 about Jesus, the greatest leader of all time. Here are a few leadership qualities he demonstrated in his life that we can learn from:

  1. Competence: He took responsibility for developing the people he called to follow him. He knew what was important, and what he needed to have to pour into them.
  2. Comprehension: He had a thorough understanding of the Scriptures. He clearly saw the big picture and how he fit into that. You could also call this perspective.
  3. Command: He had authority and command of every situation. He was self-confident because he knew what his vision and mission was. He took charge with confidence because he knew himself well and he knew God was with Him.
  4. Control: He maintained organization and control in messy situations. He did not get flustered or panic when things got difficult or threatening. He kept his composure and remained calm. This helped him make better decisions.
  5. Compassion: He served and healed the pain of others. His focus was on other people and serving them, not on himself. He took the time because he cared deeply about the hurting people around him.
  6. Communion: His source of power and strength came from his constant connection to his Father. He often took time from his busy schedule to spend time with his Father God. He prayed in solitude – He knew how to renew and recharge on a regular basis.

All of us can grow in these areas as leaders. What areas do you need to work on? How can you become more like Jesus as a leader whether at work, home, school, community or church?

Leadership is a journey and a process. As a leader you must constantly be growing, changing and learning. When you stop growing, changing and learning you stop leading.

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