The Power Of Persistence

This morning is was reading in the book of 1 Samuel.  It starts off with a introduction of the family of Elkanah.  This guy had two wives, I guess that was normal back then, the one was Hannah and the other was Peninnah.  My first thought was that Hannah’s name has remained popular, but I don’t know any Peninnah’s.  That must mean that Hannah is the one we can learn something from.

The story continues by saying that Peninnah had children, but Hannah did not.  Elkanah supported Peninnah and her children, but he loved Hannah, even though she could give him no children.  Peninnah would often mock Hannah and remind her that she was able to have children.  Hannah refused to lash out at her rival, but instead took her sorrow and loss to God.  She prayed earnestly to her Lord, begging Him for a son.  She refused to believe that her difficult situation had to remain permanent.

Hannah continued to pray sincerely and specifically, not backing away from her request for a son.  That persistence paid off, when she eventually became pregnant and had a son, Samuel.  When she was praying for a son, she had promised God that she would give him to the service of the Lord.  After she had weaned him and he was old enough to take to the temple, she took her son and dedicated him to God.  In that day, that meant that he would live and serve in the Temple with the main Priest.  Eli was the Priest and so Samuel was raised by Eli and his mother Hannah would visit often.

Hannah went on to have three more sons and two daughters.  Prayer changed the course of Hannah’s life and impacted an entire nation.  God used her son Samuel in a key role as prophet during the lifetime of King David, and his influence remains today through the story of his life in the Bible.  Hannah’s prayers laid the foundation for Samuel to be used by God.  She put her son in an environment where God could develop him into a man of influence.  Later in chapter 7 we see that Samuel becomes the new Judge and Prophet of Israel.  He gained influence daily.  When the people listened to him and trusted him they where victorious and enjoyed peace in the land.  He became by far the most influential leader of his day.  Three qualities stand out in Samuel and these can also be found in his mother Hannah.

  1. Character – Samuel lived with integrity and honesty in every area of his life.  People trusted him because they knew he had the best interests of Israel in mind.  They also knew that he was close to God through the fruit that was evident in his life.  His mother Hannah was also a woman of great Character in how she did not lash out at her rival and stayed focused on God.  She was patient yet persistent in her pursuit of God.
  2. Surrendered – Samuel was gifted by God, because he was surrendered to God.  He was willing to completely trust God with every part of his life and God chose to use him to lead a Nation.  God gave him the gifts and abilities he needed to judge and lead a Nation.  Hannah laid that foundation by also being fully surrendered to God, even giving her first born son to God.  God takes full responsibility for a man or woman that is fully surrendered to God.
  3. Connected – Samuel knew how to connect with people and with God.  His heart was in tune with God’s heart and therefore he loved the people that God loved.  When the people knew how much he cared they were encouraged and trusted him even further.  Samuel was only able to connect this well with people because of his connection with God.  Hannah again laid that foundation for her son, by persisting in prayer and staying close to the heart of God.

All of us can be more like Hannah and Samuel.  No matter what our situation is, we can be persistent in our prayers and petitions to God.  That persistence will help us to build character, be completely surrendered and stay close and connected to God and other people.  Over time that will lead to greater influence with the people around us.  So whatever you are facing today, God wants you to persevere and continue to talk to Him about the situation.

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