Here are four ways develop your character:
- Never let life’s difficulties surprise you – hardship, disappointments and struggles are inevitable. Bad things happen because this is not heaven. However, they are the rule, not the exceptions of life. So the important thing is to make sure your expectations are realistic and not idealistic. When hardships come you will be better prepared to respond in a way that helps instead of hurts.
- Keep a positive perspective – Your perspective depends on what your focus is on. When you focus on problems and your current situation you will tend to be more negative, fearful and hurt. When you focus on your faith, character, integrity, loving God and other people, you will tend to be much more positive and joyful no matter what is happening around you.
- When you face challenges, pray first – Pray for help, pray for protection, pray for wisdom, pray for strength, pray for God to intervene. Keep your prayers short, specific and spontaneous. Pray throughout the day, before you have the conversation, before you walk in the door and before you let your emotions take over.
- Be humble enough to allow accountability in your life – None of us is totally self-sufficient. You will grow more when you allow some people to get close enough to you to really know you, not just on the surface. Pride will keep you from admitting your weaknesses, asking for help and making changes in your life. A humble person is a strong person, a self-aware person, and a person others want to be around. If you don’t have anyone you can open up to start asking God to help make that happen.
Developing your character takes courage to face your strongholds, habits and hang-ups. It’s hard to do but the rewards are huge. Lead on.