Spiritual growth doesn’t just happen, any more than running a marathon “just happens.” You don’t wake up one day and go run a marathon. It takes months of training and preparation. Growth results from hard work. The harder you train and prepare the better you will do in the race.
As I have been training for the upcoming Cleveland Marathon in May, I have had to form new habits and be disciplined in working out. I know that if I don’t train now, I will pay the price later. As I run and do cross training my body is strengthened and able to endure longer distances. I also am able to recover much quicker from hard workouts. I can run farther and faster now because of the work I have put in over the last 6 months.
In the Bible Paul compares maturing or growing a person to growing a plant (Col 2:6,7). When you take seed, soil, sunshine, and water and put them together, you don’t get a plant overnight. You need time. Paul knew that our roots would not grow deep overnight. Our lives are much that way. Either we are growing slowly by taking steps forward or we are declining by taking steps backward. Just like a plant can’t grow without the right conditions, we need to right conditions to grow and thrive. Whether we want to grow spiritually, emotionally, relationally or physically, it takes certain things for that to happen. Here are some reminders of what must happen for growth to occur:
- Labor – Someone has to work. For growth to happen hard work need to take place. That means having the right mindset of doing difficult things that may cause some pain initially, but that will lead to growth down the road. That happens when I workout, my muscles get sore, but they also get stronger. When I practice honesty, it can cause some initial pain, but it leads to stronger healthier relationships. When I take time to read or write, it takes effort, but it also pays dividends.
- Stretching – We have to stretch for more. When I get out of my comfort zone and push myself, I see much better results. I can hit walls, in all areas of my life, but if I can stretch just a little more I grow to higher levels. Once we stretch to a new place we now have expanded our capacity to grow. Stretching relationally may be working through conflict instead of yelling or using the silent treatment.
- Learning – In order to grow we must learn. Again, this takes a mindset of understanding that we do not know it all and can benefit from other people. Having a teachable attitude allows us to grow much faster. It’s like adding fertilizer to the soil. People that grow are constantly reading and studying. Not only books, but people and situations.
- Focus – We cannot drift or get distracted, or our growth will diminish. The more we can focus, the better the results will be. Distractions keep us from the important things that can bring about the best results. I must remove distractions that keep me from training, and then while I am training, I need to focus on my form and technique.
- Accountability – Growth accelerates when someone watches. Trying to grow on our own is very difficult. Having a workout partner can keep me motivated. Allowing someone to ask hard questions on a regular basis keeps me on track. We should not try to go it alone, find some trustworthy, reliable people to help on the journey.
- Application – Growth really happens when we practice what we know. If all I do is study about how to run a marathon, I will never run a marathon. I have to actually go out and do what I have learned. Growing spiritually, emotionally, and relationally is the same way. If I want to improve my marriage I have to actually practice speaking my wife’s love language on a regular basis. If I want to get closer to God I have to actually talk to him and read the Bible in order to connect with Him and understand Him. If I want healthy relationships I have to practice forgiveness.
- Gratitude – This is all about having the right attitude. Giving joyful thanks for the past blessings and growth. A grateful heart is a humble heart and that is fertile soil for growth to happen.
So what area do you want to grow in? If it’s your marriage, then think about what your next step needs to be in order to grow in that area of your life. Think in next steps, what step do I need to take in order to be a better husband? What step do I need to take in order to be a better father? What step do I need to take in order to be a better leader? It might be reading a book, it might be eliminating some distractions, it might be finding an accountability partner or two, it might be actually putting into practice some things you already know, it might be having a more grateful attitude. As we take these small steps it leads to growth and change. Again, this does not happen overnight, but over a lifetime.