This morning a group of people met at NewPointe Community Church to pray. We do this once per month on the third Saturday of the month. We gather at the church at 7:00 am and spend one hour praying together. We usually open our time by listening to some worship songs and praising God. We spend the rest of the hour praying for ourselves, our families, our church, our communities, our nation and the world.
Sometimes we will walk through the building and pray in each area of the building. We pray for the volunteers, the staff and leaders, our children and students, and the new people God is drawing to the church.
We pray for some of the church goals like 300 small group leaders, 2 Satellite Churches, 1,500 volunteers, 1,000 people participating in Financial Peace University or Crown Financial small groups and 300 prayer warriors.
Each month God has been bringing new people to this prayer time. As more people know about it I am sure it will grow. When people get together to pray, God shows up and does amazing things. As our church grows, prayer becomes more and more important. We want to make sure that everything we do glorifies God and helps people take their next step with Jesus Christ.
The Prayer Ministry at NewPointe is growing and God is bringing more and more people that have a passion for prayer. God is building his team of Prayer Warriors at NewPointe. Our prayer ministry is made up of several teams. We have people that meet with the speaker every Sunday morning to pray with him. We have a team that is in the prayer room and in the auditorium to pray with people that have prayer needs and to pray for each service. We have a team of people that pray for all the prayer requests that come in on Sunday and throughout the week. We have a group that meets every Monday morning at 6:00 am to pray. We have people that meet once per month on Saturday morning to pray. We have all of our small groups praying together when they meet. Some small groups are praying for their local schools and communities and some are doing prayer walks. Our staff meets together every Monday morning at 8:30 am and breaks into groups and prays together.
All this prayer is making a difference! God calls us to be persistent in our prayers and not give up. Jesus spent a large amount of his time in prayer. That is good enough for me. Join me in praying for changed lives in your communities. Prayer really does matter!