
I met with a couple that will be giving leadership to our prayer ministry at NewPointe. They have a real passion for prayer and for the church to become a church of prayer. Prayer is powerful and prayer is a special privilege we have as Christ followers. As we talked about how we can start to raise awareness of prayer, I had to think about my own prayer life.

I asked myself how are you doing in your time of talking with God. I have to admit, I am not where I want to be. Often times when I find myself in a dry spell spiritually it is because my prayer time has dwindled.

When I am spending time with God and really connecting with Him, I find that I am more energized, attentive and patient. I am more likely to pray throughout the day whenever I am facing a challenge or decision. I am more aware of the people around me and my compassion level is much higher.

When I have not been spending enough time with God, I tend to get grumpy, impatient, distracted and tired. I tend to want to be alone and do my own thing. I will often miss opportunities to minister to the people around me. I will even hurt those closest to me by saying or doing something unkind.

So how is your prayer life? Do you need to reconnect with God today? I encourage you to spend an extended time alone just talking with God. Praise Him for who He is, thank Him for what He has done and is going to do in your life, confess your sins (all of them) and pray for the people in your life and anyone that He brings to your mind.

2 Replies to “Prayer”

  1. Great reminder, Chad……something that really helps me connect in prayer is God’s Word. When we’re praying scripture, it brings out praise, confession and the very real need that we have for God, His unconditional love, forgiveness and intimacy with the One who knows us better than we know ourselves.

  2. thanks Chad for all you do. I agree with what you say here. I too need to remind myself that no matter how busy life gets, God still wants us to stop and visit with Him. Lately, I’ve really been visiting, like all day! Keep up the good blogs, I’ve enjoyed reading them!

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