Identity Crisis

I just finished a great book by Jarrett Stevens called “The Deity Formerly Known As GOD”. In his book he talks about destructive images we have about who God is and then describes constructive images that help us know who God really is. My favorite destructive image is Talent Show Judge, maybe a heavenly Simon? Many people including Christians have a wrong view of who God is, and because of those wrong views of God they have a wrong view of who they are. This book will help you understand a little better who God is; His character, His heart, and His view of little old us. I am not going to give you the cliff notes, go read the book. After reading this book I looked at myself in the mirror and asked myself Who are you?
Have you looked in the mirror lately, looked deep into your eyes and asked; Who are you? For many of us that is a scary thing to do. For one looking at yourself can be depressing (we are all getting older). Others of us may begin to talk to ourselves and make faces at ourselves. Isn’t it embarrassing when someone walks in on you when you are doing that? Anyway, it can also be scary because you may not like who you see. Maybe you don’t know who you really are or worse, maybe you don’t even like yourself. The identity crisis comes at that moment when you view yourself as a worthless sinner that can’t do anything right. You beat yourself up and put yourself down. Or maybe you think pretty highly of yourself and think you have it pretty well all together. I don’t need much help from anyone (including God). I am a good person that doesn’t hurt people and am pulling my weight. Let’s go back to the mirror. Who do you see? Who are you?
If you are a Christ follower the answer is very easy. If you have stepped across the line and decided to follow Jesus Christ as best you can then there is only one answer. You are a child of the Living God. God looks at you and sees a saint, a son, a daughter. If you are a parent you may have a small idea about how God feels about you. You love your children very much and you want them to be happy and succeed in life. Take that times 700 and you are a little closer to how much God loves and cares for you. It all starts with understanding who God is so that you can understand who you are. God desires to have a close intimate relationship with you and me. If you haven’t made that decision God still loves you and is waiting for you to come back to Him. Keep exploring and searching, because you will come face to face with a loving God that is pursuing you. So look in the mirror and tell yourself “You are a child of God”, that is the beginning of a beautiful new you, the one that God sees.

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