We are all busy, there are many things competing for our time and energy. Leadership can be defined as having influence in someone elses life. If you have faith in Jesus Christ you are also a spiritual leader, because now you are an ambassador for God. The influence we have with people, whether it’s at work, home, school or church is often a reflection on what daily habits we have.
Jesus gave us a great example of things we can do to stay focused on the right things and keep the right perspective on life. It’s easy to drift and be consumed by the day to day activities of life unless we develop these essential habits. So here are five things we can observe in the life of Jesus that can contribute to our development of faith, character and leadership.
- Solitude – This is a challenging behavior because it’s countercultural. It is a rare and often unsettling feeling to stop doing and just be. Solitude is being completely alone with God away from all human contact for extended periods of time. It is in these times of solitude that we can seek to refill our spiritual fuel tank, hear from God, think clearly and honestly. It helps us make better decisions, work through grief and pain and strengthen our spirit and resolve.
- Jesus spent 40 days alone in the desert.
- Before he chose the 12 disciples he spent the entire night alone praying and thinking.
- When a close friend John the Baptist was killed he went off in a boat by himself.
- After a great ministry event of feeding the five thousand he went up into the hills by himself.
- Prayer – How’s your prayer life? Prayer is essential for our spiritual and emotional well-being. Regular connection with God through prayer is what sustained Jesus while he was here on earth. For us as leaders it’s vital to be able to talk with God about anything and everything. Prayer is the way in which we plug into God’s power, receive God’s comfort and encouragement, vent our frustrations and pain and intercede for other people. Prayer helps prepare us for the day by focusing on God first. Praying with people and for people is a powerful leadership principle. Praying for your spouse, family, friends, co-workers, employees, small group, boss and other leaders is an effective way to lead and love people. When prayer becomes a habit it becomes part of our DNA and normal way of life.
- Bible – It’s the greatest resource known to mankind. It’s more than a how-to manual for life, it’s an intimate love letter written to you from your Heavenly Father. I’m currently reading through the New Testament in 60 days. I’m on day 51 and I love it and look forward to it. There are five practical ways you can cultivate this habit of getting into God’s Word.
- Hearing God’s Word – That is why it’s important to go to church, to hear God’s Word and messages about how to listen and obey and put it into practice. You can also listen to the Bible through great Bible Apps like YouVersion. Have your spouse or friend read the Bible out loud to you, not only will you get into God’s Word it will build that relationship with your spouse or friend.
- Reading God’s Word – There are so many great translations of the Bible that it’s much easier to read the Bible today. I use my Bible App on my phone a lot. There are great reading plans for all parts of the Bible. Don’t take on too much but be consistent. Reading the Bible daily or most days will help you lead better, even if you don’t understand everything at first. Great leaders read a lot and the Bible should be at the top of the list.
- Study God’s Word – This is more than just reading, this is examining and looking into the meaning and application of God’s Word. This is great to do with other people in a small group, but we also need times when we dig in on our own. Using a study Bible is helpful because there are study notes that explain what the Scriptures are saying.
- Memorize God’s Word – When was the last time you memorized something? A great way to go deeper in God’s Word is to memorize it. Every year I lead a group of men and one of the things we do is memorize Scripture together. Jesus used Scripture to fight against the devil and we can do the same. When you memorize it you can recall it later when you need courage for the fight.
- Meditate on God’s Word – Memorizing Scripture puts it into your head, while meditating puts it into your heart. It’s focusing on a verse or several verses over a period of time. Writing it down, reading it out loud, emphasizing different words, personalizing it by putting your name in the verse, praying the verse to God. It’s praying while your focus on that Scripture and asking God to reveal what he wants you to know or do.
- Trusting God – Jesus completely trusted God with absolutely everything. In our culture we tend to only rely on or trust ourselves. Trusting others and God is a struggle for most people. Pride & fear fuel this lack of trust in our lives. Many people have also been hurt or let down by important people in their lives so it’s hard to trust again. Only in our relationship with God can we trust for complete unconditional love. Because of God’s incredible, never changing love for us He is trustworthy. When we understand who God is and how much He loves us it changes our perspective on life, ourselves and the world around us.
- Intimate Community – Jesus had the 12 men that he spent significant time with. But he also had 3 men that he was even closer and more intimate with. It was his inner circle, the ones he did life with and passed on the leadership of the church to. It’s vital for leaders to have soul-filling relationships with people where you can give and receive. A safe place to share your heart, your struggles and your victories. We need to be around people that know us well enough to tell us the truth, challenge us, question us and love us.
I hope these are habits that become a normal part of your life. I encourage you to take small steps toward applying these habits into your daily, weekly and monthly routines. If you do it will transform your leadership and your relationships.