This was an amazing week. Go ’08 at NewPointe Community Church wrapped up with a Community Impact day today. During the month of July we had a food drive with a goal of 1,500 boxes of food. We counted 12 items to fill a box. Things like canned goods, cereal, peanut butter, pasta and other nonperishable items. Two weeks ago our count was around 450 boxes, and last week our count was 1,008. I was a little sceptical that we could reach our goal. I remember praying about it and telling God that He would have to do an amazing work to reach that goal. Well God and the people of NewPointe came through. Our final count, which includes outdated items that went to a fifth food pantry and monetary donations, is 1,720. Can you say Wow! God is Good.
We also had around 600 people sign up to participate in this Sunday’s Community Impact day last Sunday. That put us at around 1,000 people to get connected into a project. It was a busy week and we had some amazing volunteers help put it together. We ordered 1,200 yellow shirts and all of them are gone. Can you believe that over 1,200 people went out into the community to serve? I was blown away by the spirit of the people that attend NewPointe.
I ran into a couple that just moved to our area from Nigeria (Africa). They had been to NewPointe two times and wanted to serve. They came to the church and got some cookies and delivered them to a local nursing home for the employees. They told me that they really enjoy the church and wanted to be a part of this day of serving. How cool is that. We had many such stories of people that have been coming for a short period of time, but wanted to help be the church.
Another lady that is in a wheel chair wanted to help serve, so she made over 20 silk flower arraignments that we delivered to homeowners of projects, elderly and people that had been hospitalized or had cancer. Way to go Sharon, you really made a difference.
I talked to one lady that was babysitting her grandchildren so that the parents could go serve on projects, Way to go Marlene, you made a difference. We had a group of ladies that prepared meals for 12 families, way to go Laura, Susanna and Joy you made a difference. We delivered cookies to the employees of all the local hospitals, nursing homes, fire stations, police stations and group homes. That is really untypical.
We helped get Dover’s Crater stadium ready for the football season and helped the Holmes County Fair grounds get ready for the Fair. We had teams at the Dover schools, New Phila schools, Tusky Valley schools, West Holmes High school and Strasburg High School. We had a team help get the new Clay Museum in Uhrichsville ready to open and a team at Schoenbrunn Memorial Park getting it spruced up.
We also had a Health Fair and Haircuts for kids at the Church. We had over 30 kids get haircuts and numerous people got health screenings. Thanks to all the medical volunteers and hair stylists that made that happen.
I want to thank all the team leaders that took on projects and pulled this all together.
I can’t wait to here stories and see all the pictures and video. I will be posting pictures on my blog this week. You can also look for pictures on our website.