Go ’08 Christmas Edition

The last couple of weeks have been pretty busy for me, but busy in a good way. I have been working on matching up families and small groups in our church with local families and widows that could use some help over the Christmas season and beyond. I have been calling families and talking to them about the needs they have. I am amazed at how many local families are really having a hard time. This year it seems a little worse, because of the economy and the lay offs.

At NewPointe Community Church, we try very hard to make a difference in our community. To do that, it takes initiative to reach out through acts of kindness to families and individuals. One of the areas I am excited about is the amount of elderly that we have been connecting with and helping. Our local Senior Center has been great to work with. Our population of senior citizens is growing, and our church is aware that we need to reach out to them as well.

Our Go’08 Christmas Edition is an extension of this summers outreach day when we closed down church and went into the community to serve. This Christmas we are sponsoring local families, widows and children. Some of the widows and children are local and some are in the countries of Jordan, Egypt and Iraq.

I have been truly blessed to see the generosity of the people that are a part of the NewPointe family. That generosity is having a huge impact on our local community and the Middle East. I am so thankful to be a part of this local church that wants to change the world.

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