With Thanksgiving day tomorrow I’ve been thinking about giving thanks. Being thankful means to express gratitude or appreciation. I found the word thankful, thankfulness, thanks and thanksgiving 18 times in Scripture.
The first is in 1 Chronicles 16:8 – “Give thanks to the Lord, call on his name; make known among the nations what he has done.” Verses 7-36 describe how David gave thanks. Go ahead and read it for yourself.
There are four elements of true thanksgiving found in these verses:
- Remember what God has done
- Tell others about it
- Show God’s glory to others
- Offer gifts of yourself, your time, and your resources
The emphasis is to remember, tell, show and offer. If you are truly thankful, your life will reflect it. This Thanksgiving take some time to do those four things. Choose to express gratitude and show appreciation to everyone around you. When you carry that thankful attitude around with you, your relationships will all improve and people will want to be around you.
Have a great Thanksgiving
another great post! gonna read it to the fam tomorrow and challenge em of course! happy turkey trotting. Let me know how Vikki's apple pie turned out! Blessings!