My dad is turning 65 on Wednesday. Awhile back I started making a list of all the men that have been an influence in my life. I was able to fill an entire page with men that have influenced me in all areas of my life. Men that influenced me at work, in my faith, in my marriage, in community service, in my education, in my physical health and my personal growth.
At the top of that list is my dad. I am so thankful for the example he has been for me so far in my life. He has worked hard his entire life as a truck driver. His work ethic and loyalty to his employer have been passed on to me. His integrity, honesty and character are well known in his workplace, his church and his family.
His commitment to serve his church and help his church leaders has been amazing. Many people in his church look to him for wisdom and counsel. He is respected because of his steady, level headed approach to problems.
My dad also was a real father to me as well. Because of his love for his family I have a easier time understanding how much my Heavenly Father loves me. My dad made following God a priority in his life and that has been passed on to me. I remember doing family devotions and praying together as a family at a very young age.
I have a huge advantage in life because of my dad. Because of his commitment to his marriage, my marriage has had an advantage. Because of his work ethic and character, my career has had an advantage. Because of his commitment to God and his church, I have had the advantage of knowing God my entire life.
I am truly thankful for my dad and the way he has devoted himself to God, his family, his church and his work. I love you dad – Happy Birthday.
Chad – May you be blessed too as you have been a 'spiritual dad' to so many.
I'm certain that I can say the same about Bob's dad. My late father in law Mose was a quiet man, kind and loved the Lord and his family.
Never was he more content than to have the whole family to their house on a Sunday evening after church. Laughing, eating popcorn, enjoying fellowship. Mose worked hard and I know my husband is the man he is b/c of his dad. He could trust him – he loved him and knew he was loved too. Even when faced w/tragedy and challenge, Mose's faith stood firm.
I had the honor of being present when he entered the presence of the Lord's reward for him in April 2006.
I miss his smile, his laugh and and his quiet presence. Wait….I still see it – looking across the room at my beloved husband.
Thanks for taking the time to honor your dad, Chad. He did a good job.