We made it home Sunday morning at a little after 8:00 a.m. I was exhausted so I went straight home (I slept 6 hours this afternoon). This has been an interesting week. I developed a closer friendship with the team of people that went with me and I served some people that needed help with improvements to their home. God gets all the credit. He created each one of us and gave us the gifts and abilities we have. God had each person on this team there for a reason. For me I got to hear the stories of the other team members and interact with them in a way I could never do at home. The community and friendships that happen on trips like this is always worth it. I also was reminded that I am here to serve.
I was talking with one of the people on the team and found out she had anxiety a few days before this trip. She did not know anyone and wasn’t sure why she was going, but I think this was exactly what she needed. To meet new people and go serve, that is great medicine. I think all of us grew spiritually on this trip. No, we did not have devotions and Bible studies together every day, but we did worship God through our service to the people down there and to each other.
Often times when you take a risk and take that first step of faith the rewards are unbelievable. Most of us like to stay in our comfortable little boats and not take any chances. We have a fear we will drown, fail, be rejected, look dumb, or get hurt. That is not how Jesus did it. He rocked the boat, He walked on water, He had compassion on the people, He washed feet, He healed the sick, He touched to dirty, He cared for the needy, He hung out with sinners. I want to be more like that, more uncomfortable, more in over my head. Each one of us can make a difference every day. It doesn’t have to be a mission trip, there are many opportunities every day in our every day lives to make a difference. The little things you notice and help with, the smile and hand shake, the words of encouragement, the way you treat your spouse, your children, your co-workers, your neighbors. Every day is an act of worship. Are you worshipping God in your actions or yourself? I struggle some days with the worship of myself, caring more about me than God or others. We all have that tendency, but tomorrow is a new day, a new week and all of us can make a difference. Be intentional in your acts of service, plan to go on a mission trip of some sorts, serve in your local church, serve with a local community organization, get involved in a small group, love your neighbor as yourself.
Welcome back Chad and team. You are right on brother. There’s a lot to be said about risk…I try to remember when I’m taking a risk Romans 8:28 “if God is for us who can be against us.”