On Friday we hosted approximately 160 business & Church leaders at the Maximum Impact Leadership Simulcast. This live event from Atalanta GA was a great event. The speakers were top notch. John Maxwell is a legend in leadership teaching and he kicked the day off talking about talent. The title of his new book is “Talent is Never Enough”. Tim Sanders followed him and hit a home run. He talked about balance in your life and how important relationships are in our lives. I have read two books by Tim Sanders.
The speaker that really got my attention was Bill Strickland. This guy is amazing. He started an art institute in Pittsburgh for poor kids and welfare mothers. He has branched into all kinds of training and outreach to help the less fortunate. Now he is building similar institutes across the country. He has a great ability to get things done. I would love to meet this guy and talk about changing the world. That is what he is trying to do.
Anyway, Terry Bradshaw was a hoot. Very high energy and very funny. I don’t know if he made a point other than be passionate about what you do and have fun. The theme of the day seemed to be to find what you are passionate about and gifted in and pursue that with all your heart. Malcolm Gladwell spoke about his book “Blink”. How we make quick judgements based on our experience and knowledge. It is also a great book. Can you tell I like to read.
I should be getting these speakers on DVD in a month or so if anyone wants to borrow them. Also be thinking about next year and how you can be involved on this day. Either as a volunteer or participant
A couple of cool stories from Friday include 7 students from Dover High School. The teacher that brought them told me he really thought this was great for students. He wants to bring more next year. More students need to be exposed to leadership and how to develop as a leader. I also heard a couple of people say they planned on coming to church this weekend.
It was a full day, but very rewarding to see and hear how people enjoyed the teaching and atmosphere. I have to give a huge thank you to the 17 or so volunteers that came out and helped all day long. Some of them took vacation days to come. Without them this event would not have been as successful. To Bryan German who stayed after the event and helped me clean up and tear down the tables and chairs I say thank you brother.
A huge thank you to these folks:
Franscene Davis, Diane Painter, Mary Low Crowe, Dana & Heather Foster, Tom Troyer, Ken Engstrom, Cherri West, Carol Miller, Peggy Peoples, Terry Royer, Brent & Jess Davis, Tom Miller, Mike Finley, Michael Harrow, Gene & Vina Hensel, Max Weaver, Dave Beachy, Wilma Mast. I hope I didn’t forget someone.